Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Keeping A Piece For Me

Am living in a house at the top of a mountain.  This house isn't mine, but I am welcome here.

I treasure that.

I am living in a house at the top of a mountain, listening to a dog snore next to me.

It calms me.

Living in this house is temporary, but the peace it brings will resonate beyond my end date.


This past week has been interesting.  Apparently, I am not one for smooth slow transitions.  Perhaps, I have become too attached to my manual transmission and throw myself into gear and out with the same fierceness.

Met a new friend recently.  I have a lovely crush, which I will keep in my back pocket.  Something to pull out and enjoy alone every so often.  It is so nice to have a new friend.  Especially one with a similar banter line.  ESPECIALLY one who likes to read and I get to introduce lots of lovely new titles too.  Heh, knowing me that last bit is the biggest attraction.

No, this person is lovely.  Smart, yummy and very very clever.  I look forward to our next conversation.  Which won't be for a few days.  Like I said, I need to keep my crush in my back pocket.  Gotta whittle it down some then fold it up nice and neat.  So it slips in easy and I won't make anyone uncomfortable.

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